Monday, December 31, 2007

A Crash Course on the Adurist Church

Hello all. My name is Braxton Lesley, but you may call me Abbas Abbatis. I am the founder and leader of the Faithful Church of Adurism. For those of you who aren't familiar with our religion, let me explain. Adurists do not believe in singing karaoke. To put it simply, we believe the Bible was mistranslated, and what is referred to as "lust" in the standard Christian Bible is, in the original manuscript, a testament against poor music, especially when used to worship our Lord in Heaven.

If you'll take a quick look at the New Testament, you'll see that music is never used in the worship of our Lord. We Adurists have simply taken this concept and put it to a bit of an extreme, allowing us to cleanse ourselves completely of the tempation to get carried away on a drunken night.

We also believe that karaoke takes the place of lust in the Bible, because lust is a sin children can't comprehend, and therefore, one we do not believe true. Children are, of course, the most innocent demographic of the human race.

Welcome to my blog about my life as the priest of the Faithful Church of Adurism.

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